Flare-on 2021: Challenge 1 - credchecker
Challenge description
The challenge contains the HTML file "admin.html" and a directory of 2 images:
Open the "admin.html" file:
The goal is to find the username and password to claim the flag.
We will take a look at the source code of the HTML file.
The next function checks the credentials:
As we can see, the username value to be checked is "Admin".
The password value is the base64 value which converts to "goldenticket" (by the atob() function which decodes the input value).
Encoding "goldenticket" to base64 to get the password to enter: "Z29sZGVudGlja2V0".
Enter the username and password, and get the flag:
Finally, the flag for this challenge is - "enter_the_funhouse@flare-on.com".